
Historical Biography products for sale online in Zambia

Reconstruction of human life, a representation of a historical individual
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Historical Biography

Reconstruction of human life, a representation of a historical individual

Historical biography is a reconstruction of human life and a representation of a historical individual. ... It encompasses both the events of a life, the narrative of a life, and the interpretation of its characteristics. "History" is the fact that society is located in a broad stream of events, and "biography" refers to an individual's specific experiences.

A biography is a specialized form of history. It is an account of events based upon the example of one person's life. There are four basic types of biographies: historical fiction, academic, fictional academic, and the prophetic biography.

Basic Facts About the Person

  • date and place of birth (and death, if applicable)
  • current location of residence.
  • educational background.
  • professional experience.
  • area of expertise.
  • major achievements.

Types of Biographies

  • Autobiography: A narrative of a person's life, written by, or as having been written by that person.
  • Biography: A history of a person's life
  • Memoir: A narrative recollection of the writer's earlier experiences, especially those involving unusual people, places, or events.

One of the oldest forms of literary expression, it seeks to re-create in words the life of a human being—as understood from the historical or personal perspective of the author—by drawing upon all available evidence, including that retained in memory as well as written, oral, and pictorial material.

To start an introduction for a biography

Start your bio with a brief introduction that shows who you are. The first sentence should include your name followed by a few important details you want to highlight, such as your education, certifications or achievements.

Among the numerous forms of biographical research in education, five types are often noted: scholarly chronicles, intellectual biography, life history writing, memoir biography, and narrative biography. These orientations may take the form of articles, vignettes, chapters, monographs, and full-length books.

A biography typically starts with the subject's birth (it's surprising how many begin with a description of the weather) and continues in a roughly chronological order until their death. The advantage of this approach, which could equally apply to the history of a family, is that it is easy to follow.

The difference between a Biography and an Autobiography. A biography is an account of a person's life, written by someone else. An autobiography is an account of a person's life, written by that person.