Tengeru 97 Tomato Seeds

Tengeru 97 Tomato Seeds

Proven to be the best in eastern and southern African for all year production. You can grow Tengeru during the rainy season with little difficulty and still produce high-quality fruits.
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Last updated 26 Oct 2022

Further information


  • Tomatoes like any other plant require the following for them to grow-
  • Light, moisture, and fertile soil(minerals)
  • In Zambia, we have about 3seasons, which means we have 3 different levels of light intensity and moisture levels in the soil depending on a particular season.
  • How light and moisture affect Tomato plant growth
  • During the hot season, (from August to October) you will notice that Tomatoes grow faster, some maturing in 3-4months instead of 5-6 months. This is because of the good supply of light and also fast transportation of minerals in the presence of moisture. This season is the easiest to grow Tomatoes in Zambia, that is why Tomato prices usually drop during this season because most farmers easily grow Tomatoes.

Growing tomato in the Rain season

  • This is usually a difficult season to grow tomatoes for most farmers. And one of the reasons for poor production being Fungal diseases.
  • Now let's look at how moisture(water) and light contribute to this. In Zambia most Tomato growers withdraw their Irrigation during the rain season, this, in turn, means the plants will only receive water if and when it rains, which is a bad practice if you want to successfully manage your crop.
  • The light also is usually not adequate meaning the rate of photosynthesis is much lower. In case of heavy rainfall, required minerals will not be transported from the roots to the leaves in the right amounts and on time, So if poorly managed crops will have stunted growth. That is why during the reigning season its recommended that you use foliar fertilizers in addition to the soil ones.
  • In the case of droughts, vital minerals again, like calcium will not be transported to the plant.
  • It is important to note that calcium causes necessary heating in Tomato plants.

Growing tomato in the Cold Season

  • When its cold, Tomatoes usually dry up and this is because of poor movement of calcium in the plants and other minerals. It’s important to ensure good water supply to plants during the cold season, at least 1liter per plant to facilitate the movement of calcium to your Tomatoes. You could also make good use of a Frost Guide to protect your crops from extreme colds.
  • As mentioned above, Calcium produces heat in the Tomato plants, to stop your plants from drying due to colds you must ensure adequate supply and movement of Calcium in the plants. This can be done by irrigating regularly and spraying liquid Calcium (don't apply powdered lime to the ground).

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Seeds & Seedlings
Amiran has been in the agriculture industry for over 48 years, establishing itself as an expert in the field. It provides a variety of seedlings and can also grow owner-supplied seeds. The company is the exclusive supplier of Hazera seeds. It is one of the leading suppliers of seedlings for farmers and market gardeners countrywide.