The family saga is a genre of literature which chronicles the lives and doings of a family or a number of related or interconnected families over a period of time.
The Forsyte Saga is the first part of John Galsworthy's magnificent, well-loved Forsyte Chronicles, which trace the changing fortunes of the wealthy Forsyte dynasty through fifty years of material triumph and emotional disaster.
Writing a Family Drama Novel
Saga, in medieval Icelandic literature, any type of story or history in prose, irrespective of the kind or nature of the narrative or the purposes for which it was written.
A sweeping saga is a story which spans a central character's lifetime (or close to it). It doesn't hurt if there's tonnes of tragedy, love, romance, historical events, adversity, inspiring strength of character etc etc
Literary fiction is a category of novels that emphasize style, character, and theme over plot. Lit fic is often defined in contrast to genre fiction and commercial fiction, which involve certain tropes and expectations for the storyline; literary fiction has no such plot-based hallmarks.
The best family drama movies represent a fun bonding experience for the entire family. What makes a good family drama? Typically they dive deep into the inter-personal relationships of two or more family members. Often there are dysfunctional dynamics in the beginning that get resolved over the course of the movie.
What is an example of a saga?
An example of a saga is a long war novel such as War and Peace. A modern prose narrative that resembles a saga. A long detailed report. Recounted the saga of their family problems.