Petrochemical products are manufactured from crude oil and natural gas. Here you will find a wide selection of products including synthetic engine oils, paraffin, vinyl, man-made fibre fabrics, industrial-grade petroleum jelly, plastics, rubbers, resins, softeners, washing raw materials, solvents, metal and wood finishes, adhesives, pesticides, petroleum-derived paints and coatings as well as preliminary products for additional chemical processing. With all these products, it is clear that the benefits of petrochemical products are immense. Whether you want a product for your personal use or you are in the manufacturing industry and looking for raw materials to use in production, this marketplace is your one-stop-shop for all your requirements.
Petrochemicals are the chemical products obtained from petroleum by refining. Some chemical compounds made from petroleum are also obtained from other fossil fuels, such as coal or natural gas, or renewable sources such as maize, palm fruit or sugar cane.
Petrochemical products include such items as plastics, soaps and detergents, solvents, drugs, fertilizers, pesticides, explosives, synthetic fibres and rubbers, paints, epoxy resins, and flooring and insulating materials.
Petrochemical products include plastics, rubbers, resins, synthetic fibers, adhesives, dyes, detergents, pesticides, and petroleum-derived paints and coatings. In 2016, petrochemicals accounted for approximately one third of the 1.1 million barrels per day of the natural gas liquids 2 demand in Canada
Products made from petrochemicals include such items as plastics, soaps and detergents, solvents, drugs, fertilizers, pesticides, explosives, synthetic fibres and rubbers, paints, epoxy resins, and flooring and insulating materials.
Petrochemicals are used to manufacture thousands of different products that people use daily, including plastics, medicines, cosmetics, furniture, appliances, electronics, solar power panels, and wind turbines.
Basic petrochemicals such as ethylene, propylene and aromatics are the building blocks of the chemistry industry. Currently, most of them are produced via conventional process routes utilizing naphtha (derived from crude oil) and ethane (derived from natural gas).
It is abbreviated as Coke or Petcoke, and is a carbon-rich solid material derived from final cracking process — a thermo-based chemical engineering process that splits long chain hydrocarbons of petroleum into shorter chains— that takes place in coker units. There are two distinctive grades of Petroleum Coke viz.
Petrochemical products include such items as plastics, soaps and detergents, solvents, drugs, fertilizers, pesticides, explosives, synthetic fibers and rubbers, paints, epoxy resins, and flooring and insulating materials.
Petrochemical products are everywhere and are integral to modern societies. They include plastics, fertilisers, packaging, clothing, digital devices, medical equipment, detergents, tires and many others.
Exposure to petrochemicals may take place in different ways; they may be absorbed through the skin or might be ingested. They can also affect human life by accumulating in tissues/organs and cause brain, nerve and liver damage, birth defects, cancer, asthma and hormonal disorders