Health Power

Health Power

The principles in this book will add years to your life and zest to your years. You can live on tiptoe. Double your energy, banish aches and pains.

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Thrive on the cutting edge. Get ready for your second wind, a new life filled with vigour and enthusiasm.

  • This may be the most practical key to a better lifestyle that many of us have found.
  • The greatest challenge of Western medicine is to educate and motivate patients to adopt a healthier lifestyle. This book does exactly that, with clarity, charm, and thoroughness.
  • These are important concepts that, when internalized, will do more to improve your health and extend your life than all the technological wonders of modern medicine.
  • Solid book, clearly written, providing a sensible introduction to the basics of natural health management.
  • No one can read even a few of these chapters and remain the same.
AuthorsHans Diehl and Aileen Ludington
PublisherThe Stanborough Press Ltd.
Product titleHealth Power - Health by choice, Not by chance

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