Navy Blue with White Stripes Neck Tie

Navy Blue with White Stripes Neck Tie

A school tie indicates pupils of a particular school, or year group, or of a particular house in that school.

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Men, meet the school classic, the diagonally striped tie. However, depending on the colours, the width of the stripes and how varied the pattern of repetition is, this tie can achieve many different looks and be worn in a wide range of situations. They’re also reasonably easy to match with a suit and shirt. As long as the suit and shirt don’t have any distinct patterns, you only need to think about coordinating the colours.

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City Clothing Factory
Uniform wear
City Clothing Factory's primary business is the production of school uniforms. Boys' uniforms include safari suits as well as shirts and trousers. In addition, City Clothing Factory supplies school jerseys, ties and socks. Dresses come in various colours – grey, green, navy blue, light blue and maroon.