Blue with Yellow Stripes Neck Tie

Blue with Yellow Stripes Neck Tie

School ties are made from non-recycled polyester yarn, which comes from crude oil. - Blue with Yellow Stripes Neck Tie
Last Update 06 Apr 2023

Further information

Neckties are generally unsized but may be available in a longer size. In some cultures, men and boys wear neckties as part of school attire or formal wear.

The Four-in-Hand knot is up there as a champion of necktie knots. It is also known as a 'simple' or 'schoolboy' knot due to its simplicity and versatility.

Standard ties are the most popular school uniform option, particularly among high school students. This option requires the student to tie the tie by hand, a process that may be difficult for younger students and tedious for parents to help with each day. However, by late middle school to high school the students are definitely capable of tying a tie each morning.

Product TitleBlue with Yellow Stripes Neck Tie

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City Clothing Factory
Uniform wear
City Clothing Factory's primary business is the production of school uniforms. Boys' uniforms include safari suits as well as shirts and trousers. In addition, City Clothing Factory supplies school jerseys, ties and socks. Dresses come in various colours – grey, green, navy blue, light blue and maroon.