Natural Body Scrubber Loofah Sponge

Natural Body Scrubber Loofah Sponge

Loofahs exfoliate and cleanse the skin, but they aren’t the best shower choice for everyone. Loofahs need to be taken care of properly so they don’t become carriers of bacteria that could make you sick. They can also damage sensitive skin. Some people also swear by loofahs as household cleaning products. They can be used to scrub tiles, showers, sinks, and other hard-to-clean surfaces.
K57 per loofah

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Further information

Loofah sponges from the luffa plant have historically been used as scrubbers. Benefits and uses of a loofah include:

  • using soap to lather up and cleanse your skin
  • exfoliating the skin on your body and face
  • stimulating blood circulation while you shower or bathe

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